Saturday, 24 September 2011


October 10th is the annual World Mental Health Day, and it is the largest campaign for mental health. This year theme is "The Great Push: Investing in Mental Health"
All right Reserved: Concept Note, 2011 World Mental Health Day


2011 THEME:
 The Great Push:
       Investing in Mental Health
(Unity, Visibility, Rights, & Recovery)

World Mental Health Day celebration is an international day set aside by the United Nation to jointly advocate on mental health issue, the day was separated from the original international health day just to focus more on mental health issue, since there is no Health without Mental Health.

World Mental Health Day was observed for the first time on the 10 of October 1992. It started as an annual activity of the World Federation for Mental Health (WFMH) by the then Deputy Secretary General Richard Hunter with the aims of promoting mental health advocacy and educating the public on relevant issues.

The World Federation for Mental Health (WFMH) in conjunction with Mental Health Foundation-Nigeria (MHF-Nig.) continues to push its vision of a world in which mental health is a priority for all people. Even though mental health services are increasingly being recognized as critical, they still get short shrift. They do not get the resources and support they deserve at all levels nationwide.

By 2020, mental health problems are set to increase due to the pace of modern living. Also, More than 75% of people suffering from mental disorders in the developing world receive no treatment or care. Across Africa for example, 9 out of 10 people suffering from epilepsy go untreated, unable to access simple and inexpensive anticonvulsant drugs (WHO).

More recently, (World Federation for Mental Health) WFMH has redoubled efforts to achieve its vision through an initiative led by Dr. John Copeland that we are calling the Great Push for Mental Health. WFMH has formed a strategic alliance with the Movement for Global Mental Health (MGMH). The Movement is best reflected in a series of articles in The Lancet. Essentially, these articles make the case that mental illnesses constitute a significant proportion of the global burden of disease and that prioritization and attention on mental health intervention will contribute significantly to both economic and social development. In 2008, the “Lancet GMHb 2007 Series ” made a call to governments and donors for “Action on Mental Health” drawing attention to the impact of mental illness on the economies of countries and the wellbeing of its citizens many millions of whom go untreated. As few governments appear to have responded they need encouragement by direct action. We need that action now!
The major themes of the Great Push are Unity, Visibility, Rights, and Recovery.
  • UNITY - Perceptions of disunity in the mental health world, probably exaggerated need to be dispelled. The first round of the WFMH Great Global Consensus has demonstrated substantial agreement on fundamental issues with over 530 replies from organisations and individuals demonstrating over 95% agreement on the 10 principles of the World Federation. The second round is in preparation and will address the inclusion of mental health as one of the Millennium Goals. The Consensus is designed to culminate in a WFMH/MGMH Consensus Summit" where participating organisations will be invited to fund one representative to the Summit at which the Consensus will form the basis of a WFMH /MGMH “Charter” to the United Nations and Governments stating clearly what mental health related and consumer/users/survivor organisations around the world require governments to do to improve mental health.
  • VISIBILITY- Mental illness and the mentally ill are invisible but stigma is everywhere. Our support for mental health must be made visible mostly to governments at all levels (Local/State/Federal). How can that be achieved but by public events. This is already happening in many places, particularly in India and in 2009 in Kalmunai, Sri Lanka, where nearly 5000 students, government and non-government sectors participated in a march two kilometres long. In Lagos-Nigeria (2010), Mental Health Foundation-Nigeria had Mental Health advocacy walk from a point (Lagos State Television) to Lagos State government office, situated at Lagos State Secretariat-Alausa, Ikeja, where nearly 1000 Private Schools Students, individuals, stakeholders, celebrities and non-government sectors participated in a march. We need to be visible. They have shown us the way.
  • RIGHTS - Appalling conditions are tolerated in many health centers, mental health hospitals and abusive treatments for mental illness are common. Governments with the support of stakeholders all over must not allowed these tolerate conditions to continue.
  • RECOVERY -: is an important concept but the term is used in many different ways. Mental Health Foundation-Nigeria in collaboration with Lagos State Ministry of Health and other Ministries all over will convene a conference, summit, and workshop, e.t.c. to sharpen the concept and define its principal features. Meanwhile thousands, perhaps millions receive no mental health care because of the absence of professionals to assess and diagnose their illnesses due to no available and verify policy on Mental Health, the first rate limiting step to recovery. With your full support (NGO’s, FBO’s, CSO’s, e.t.c.) now, we have made available a platform (Emotional Development Academy, Lagos-Nigeria) are working on projects using computer technology to empower individuals, students, youth workers, nurses and health assistants, aimed at improving the detection, diagnosis and treatment of mental illness. We recognize that these are only the first steps to true recovery; nevertheless they are an essential starting point. Such methods are already being successfully piloted in India, Europe and Australia. They have potential to bring relief to the untreated. The campaign will promote any appropriate and culturally acceptable method for bringing relief to those suffering mental illness.
Some major activities that Mental Health Foundation-Nigeria is embarking on include:
  • The development of a grass-roots campaign so that mental health can have more visibility and priority in the public mind internationally;
  • Joining hands/resources with Lagos State Ministry of Health, and stakeholders’ in anticipation and formulation of mental health policy in Lagos State.
  • Participation in the United Nations process to achieve the Millennium Development Goals;
  • Developing strategic partners with international agencies and advocacy groups to promote the Great Push;
  • Promotion of the Great Push using both traditional and social media.

The World Health Organization has recently (September, 2010) released a report titled Mental Health and Development which makes the case for the integration of mental health in development efforts. Mental health is intimately tied with key areas of development such as education and human capacity building and productivity. The World Mental Health Day theme this year underlines the relationship of mental health with chronic physical illnesses. As we identify non-communicable diseases like heart disease, diabetes, cancer and respiratory diseases as the new scourge, the relationship to mental health is both intimate and unavoidable. The bottom line is that There is No Development without Health and No Health without Mental Health....
2011 WMH-Day Program Plan
Creating of awareness:
The strategies below shall be employed:
1) Production and mounting of Bill boards.
2) Printing and sharing of mental health hand bills, fliers, and information Leaflets/booklets.
3) TV shows, radio, phone in programmes, and news paper advertorial and write-ups.
Time Frame: August-October, 2011.

October 7th, 2011
Time: 9am-1pm
Lagos State Ministry of Health, Mental Health Foundation with all the stakeholders shall be visiting some motor parks as a SUPPORT Group for counseling, and mental health awarenes.

October 10th, 2011
Proposed Route: LTV Agidingbi, to LASG Secretariat Alausa Ikeja
Time: 9am-11am.
Description of Activity: Mental Health Advocacy Walk with notable celebrities, stakeholders and the public using informative placards on mental health issues and statistics, from LTV-Lagos State to The Governor office, Lagos State Secretariat, Alausa-Lagos State.

October 11th, 2011
Time: 10am-12noon
Proposed Venue: Press Centre, Lagos State Secretariat, Alausa-Ikeja.
Description of Activity: A day devoted for World Conference and Press/Media releases and
Formal and official launching of Lagos State Mental Health Policy

v October 8th (12:30 pm) @ Health Matters- CHANNELS
v October 9th (08:00 am) @ Sunday Express- LTV
v October 10th (08:00 am) @ This Morning- TVC
v October 11th (01:00 pm) @ Day Time Talk- LTV
v October 13th  @ Health Issues- Star FM

Rap Up:
At the end of the whole presentation and launching, there will be OPEN SESSION and NETWORKING.
GREAT PUSH: Way Forward and Rap Up:  
At the end of the whole workshop and advocacy walk, we would examine thoroughly all the issues raised during the days of those events, placing special attention here again on the opportunities for mental health and other related health organization and increased modalities for engaging and creating lasting change that our people deserves.

Target Group:
Health Experts/Professionals, Religious Leaders, Youth Workers, NGO’s, Civil Society Organizations, Faith Base Organization, Corporate & Brand Organizations, Social Workers, Force/Police/Paramilitary/Soldier, Security Personnel, Civil Servants, Counselors, Public and Government Sector, Academic Institutions, Students (All Levels), General Populace and Press/Media.

Program Expected Outcomes 
As we put this year 2011 WORLD MENTAL HEALTH Day event into place, we intend:
1.     To create More Awareness on mental health issues in Lagos State.
2.     To educate Lagosians that mental illness is a clear and present treat to women, children and the general populace in Lagos State.
3.     To identify the relevance of mental health in the attainment of the millennium development goals.
4.     To create a broader orientation on problems and challenges associated with the stigma of the vulnerable members of our society.
5.     To direct the attention of the Lagos State government towards tackling some of the crucial issues concerning women and children in the area of silent depressive disorders, poverty, education, nutrition, healthcare, Hiv/Aids, human trafficking, child labour, violence against women etc.
6.     To encourage the participation of the general public towards achieving a mentally healthy State.
7.     To motivate and connect with potential support groups and relative stakeholders.
8.     To urge the State government to dedicate special funding for mental health and give priority to women and children mental health in their funding and policy decisions.
9.     To recognize the impressive contribution of corporate bodies and individuals to mental health development in Lagos State.
10.    Recommendations on how to improve mental health care and wellbeing.
Lagos State Mental Health Team ( )
You tube:
For more info call:
*Dr. D. Fasawe (Lagos State Ministry of Health)-08033228096
*Dr. Coker Rotimi
*Mr. Owoyemi Emmanuel (CEO/MD, Mental HealthFoundation)-08033236814
*Mr. Jude Watchman- (Ignite Africa) 08036998263
*Mr. Richard A. Uwayzor (Cordinator- The Aart of Life Foundation) 08053264041

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